Eclipse is the best java or c++ software which helps in writing programs. this software has all code written we can use the snippets of the code..which helps a lot..all the keywords and syntax in java are easily used from this software
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I don't like using eclipse, I very much prefer netbeans as it colours different parts for you, making it easier.
Netbeans is also a good software. if you what some colours and something different other than usual softwares. it is good to use netbeans
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I find the new version of eclipse horrible to use, all tutorials on it can't be used as its so different...
It is different even i heard need to install and check. but i dont want to do that i am feared that it may effect my workspace. but i have a copy of my workspace.lols
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Keep the old version, you will be so unused to the new version.
ya ofcouse ..need to speed up with new version
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I am only aware of Eclipse and I think its pretty good. My friend told me about it and it worked for me so i never switched
Yes it is a very good software to use, i even use now. we need to use all the functionalities which are quite uneasy to find in it.
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