7 Replies, 17049 Views

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, this is mainly used to display the styles in HTML and a very good course to learn would be very much useful if you want to develop your own website
fashion blog
I don't know much CSS, I really need to learn it at some point, I have a book on it though Tongue
I know it very well, its a brilliant type of web design to make everything look good. What would we do without it? Tongue
we would have missed many things. there should be some csc used in web technology web pages so that it looks pretty good and this makes even easy to write a simple styling keywords
fashion blog
I know that HTML needs to be manually updated, is CSS, is it the same?
yes all are same
fashion blog
Yes, CSS, like HTML, has to be updated. HOWEVER, unlike HTML, you can have one CSS style sheet in a separate file that affects all of your pages, so you only have to update once to update the whole site.
I do know css very well. I learned it from a web arts forum I am on Smile Basically css is just beautifying html

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