
8 Replies, 20351 Views

how can we start a web hosting forum, i doesn't have much knowledge on how to start a forum, where can i get domains to buy. does this work to earn a penny with web hosting
fashion blog
Erm... Well for one thing you would need a forum.

Whether you would want to buy VB which is expensive but extemely good. Or getting a free one from SMFforums or PHP.
Then domains are easy enough to get... Just search google and you will find.
Thanks for your suggestion i have goggled and learned much about VB, planning to buy VB. even SMFforums are good we can enjoy posting in our own forums
fashion blog
I don't suggest using SMF, They make you have .SMFForums In the URL :\
oh its ok..it sucks to do so..have seen it..not interested in doing that,,there is nothing new in it
fashion blog
Look, if you have £90 get V-bulletins.
That would be very costly lol does it make much profit..
fashion blog
If you have alot of traffic then people pay alot for their adverts to be on their. It mostly depends on what your forums about, so if its about gaming, people will pay loads to have their game advertised on your forum, that why most people start with free forums.
Well if you can promote your site good you can earn Smile

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