How much do you pay for hosting your site? I have a friend who pays just $1.99 and another that pays $15. Mine is somewhere in between. How much do you pay?
I'm paying $7.99 a month for hosting on JustHost. With the features I get, it seems to be a good deal. I've used free hosting, but I don't like having the ads on my site. If there are ads, I want to place them and make the money from them.
I pay around $15 for my web hosting. I know that there are cheaper hosts out there, but I've tried a lot of hosts and my current one is great. When there is an issue (for example, my site isn't loading--this has happened maybe two or three times, in the three years I've been with them), the support and tech staff have been on-the-ball.
Currently, $2.95. I find that price being pretty good for what you get.
Especially when my friend paid $12 per month...
I'm paying $10 a month on hostgator, I find the price very gripping.
i haven't start anything yet having plans to buy one. i would buy at 7.99 this would be best. and can you suggest some sites where i can buy domains
fashion blog
I don't pay for it. I would if I had the money.